Thursday, October 15, 2009

20 weeks...half way there!

I cannot believe that I am half way through my pregnancy already! Time has flown by so quickly! I am feeling great and my belly is growing along with other parts :) I have never weighed as much as I do now. At my last vist, I had gained around 6 lbs I think and the doc said I was doing well with my weight, but I think I have gained even more now haha! I got on the scales the other night and weighed 9 lbs more than I did before I got pregnant. It will be interesting to see just how big I do get...haha! Ella Jae is moving, ALOT! It is the greatest feeling and I get the same exciting feeling each time I feel her move!! I can even see her kick when I am lying down. My belly will actually move :) It is the neatest thing! Recently though, when she is moving and someone touches my belly to feel her, she stops moving..that little stinker!!! Our next visits to the doctor are Nov 4. and 13. I cannot wait to go back and she how much she has grown! My high risk doctor will release me at that point and they will also do a sonogram. And...they have the technology to do a 3d sonogram and there is no charge! I cannot wait for that! She could even have hair at that precious?!

week: 20 weeks

belly button: in

wedding rings on or off: on

food cravings: Fruit...apples and oranges

adversions: gas fumes

nausea: none

mood: happy and exicted

maternity clothes: I have two pair of pants for work and still using the bella band for my jeans. But I am going to invest in some jeans soon!!

size of baby: banana

changes of baby: weighs 10 1/2 oz, measures 10 in. from head to toe, swallowing more these days, permanent teeth forming behind baby teeth, can differeniate between morning, afternoon, and evening, and starts to become more active at certain times than others.

next appt: Nov. 4

Other: In the process of getting the nursery ready!!!

(I saw this fill-in-the-blank on another blog and thought it was a great idea and easier to read all the updates!)

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